Monday, 2 March 2009

CSI - Context Sensitive Intelligence

CSI - Context Sensitive Intelligence

Context Sensitive Intelligence

Software-Development for Adaptation

Project Goals

In the CSI project we research towards an infrastructure for context-driven software adaptation. Our two foci are: support developers in building adaptive software, support end-users with intelligent self-adaptive software.


CSI is funded by the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories.
The project started in autumn 2004 and runs until autumn 2007.


In a world which is more and more provided with pervasive computing, end-users of mobile devices face an increasing complexity in using available, computer-assisted services in many different contexts. The users' mobile devices have to be adaptive to changing situations and requirements in a preferably automatic and user-friendly way. The developer needs a highly-flexible framework which enables users to make use of basic functionalities and provides service-providers with an easily extensible architecture to facilitate the development of new services.

Research Questions

  • How should we model context?
  • What kind of software adaptations are required?
  • How should context changes be mapped to software adaptation needs?
  • Which software technologies serve the demands for implementing adaptability most appropriately?


  • M. Appeltauer, R. Hirschfeld, T. Rho: Dedicated Programming Support for Context-aware Ubiquitous Application UBICOMM 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, vol. , IEEE Computer Society Press, Valencia, Spain, 2008
  • H. Mügge, P. Bihler, M. Schmatz, A.B. Cremers: Context and Situation as Enablers for Multi-Modal Interaction in Mobile Games. HCI 2008 Workshop: Evaluating Player Experiences in Location Aware Games, Liverpool, 2008 [pdf]
  • H. Mügge, K.-H. Lüke and M. Eisemann: Potentials and Requirements of Mobile Ubiquitous Computing for Public Transport. In Proceedings of the UbiLog Workshop at Informatik 2007, Bremen, 2007 [pdf]
  • P. Bihler and H. Mügge: Supporting Cross-Application Contexts with Dynamic User Interface Fusion. In Proceedings of the MoBe Workshop at Informatik 2007, Bremen, 2007 [pdf]
  • P. Bihler, F. Schulz, H. Mügge: SmartDiscuss - Moderation Tool-Support for Face-to-Face Discussions. Poster at the 10th European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work (ECSCW'07), Limerick, Ireland, 2007 [abstract as pdf]
  • J. Kuck and M. Gnasa: Context-Sensitive Service Discovery meets Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2007), White Plains, NY, USA, 2007
  • J. Kuck and F. Reichartz: A collaborative and featurebased approach to ContextSensitive Service Discovery WWW Conference 2007,Workshop: MobEA V- Mobile Web in the developing world
  • H. Mügge, T. Rho and A.B. Cremers: Integrating Aspect-Orientation and Structural Annotations to Support Adaptive Middleware. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction at EuroSys Conference, Lisbon, 2007 [pdf]
  • H. Mügge, T. Rho, D. Speicher, P. Bihler, A.B. Cremers: Programming for Context-based Adaptability – Lessons learned about OOP, SOA, and AOP, Workshop Selbstorganisierende, Adaptive, Kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme, Bern, 2007 [pdf]
  • P. Bihler, G. Kniesel: Seamless Cross-Application Workflow Support by User Interface Fusion. Workshop on Multiple and Ubiquitous Interaction Aarhus, Denmark, 28-30 March 2007 [pdf]
  • T. Rho, M. Schmatz, A.B. Cremers: Towards Context-Sensitive Service Aspects. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming 2006. Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence , Nantes [pdf]
  • H. Mügge, T. Rho, D. Speicher, J. Kuck, A.B. Cremers: Towards an Infrastructure for Context-Sensitive Intelligence. Workshop Selbstorganisierende, Adaptive, Kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme, Kassel, 2006 [pdf]
  • Mügge H., Rho T., Winandy M., Won M., Cremers A.B., Costanza P., Englert R.: Towards Context-Sensitive Intelligence, In: R. Morrison and F. Oquendo (Eds.): EWSA 2005, LNCS 3527, pp. 231–238, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005 [pdf]

Further Information

You are welcome to ask for details. Please contact Holger Mügge.


C-aIS Poster

C-aIS Poster